Sock Illiteracy


When you buy Word Up, you give 25% directly to San Diego Council on Literacy which supports community literacy programs through resources, partnerships, advocacy and coordination.

Size: Choose an option

Men's Large (9.5 - 12.5)
Men's Medium (6.5 - 9.5)
Women's (6.5 - 9.5)

"We hear students say, after just a short time, 'my confidence has improved.' And for a lot of people, that’s what they need. They want to feel better about themselves. Many go through life thinking that learning to read is beyond them."
- Jose Cruz

    Product Details


    San Diego Council on Literacy

    Uniting The Community

    The San Diego Council on literacy is committed to fostering a culture and environment of inclusivity and equity.

    PassThrough Rating

    % of expenses given directly to cause

    powered by charity navigator

    Transparency Rating

    Let’s be honest and transparent

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    Make an Impact

    We eliminated much of what eats the bottom line.

    Learn how we stay lean to give more.